GRCC's 100th AGM and Centenary Celebration

We welcomed well over a hundred guests to our 100th AGM and Centenary Celebration at Maisemore Village Hall on 20th July.   

Guests chatted with GRCC and Independence Trust staff over tea and scones, serenaded by Gloucester Christian Choir, and then we settled down to a brief formal AGM, followed by talks and videos showing the impact of the work of every team at GRCC, whose work covers such diverse areas as social prescribing, affordable housing, digital community development, village halls, mental health support, autism, flooding,  job clubs, and support for all voluntary and community organisations in the county.


We also looked back at how GRCC had been founded in 1923 by Sir Francis Hyett, Miss Grace Hadow, Lady Constance Cripps, and Sir Frederick Cripps,  and drew many parallels between the founding principles of the charity, our historical work, and what we do today to empower Gloucestershire communities.

During the AGM, GRCC CEO Barbara Piranty presented a summary of our activities for the past year, giving many facts and figures about our work, for example that our Community Development Team supported 291 organisations during the year, we distributed 8700 housing needs surveys across 18 parishes, and the Independence Trust community mental health support workers helped 922 clients.   You can view Barbara's 'Year In Focus' presentation slides as a pdf to gain a more complete picture.

The minister for Rural Affairs, the Right Hon. Lord Benyon, wrote to GRCC offering congratulations for the charity's Centenary and thanks for 100 years of supporting people and empowering community organisations in Gloucestershire.  

Videos and powerpoint slides from the Centenary event will be going onto our website and social media over the coming weeks, along with the GRCC Annual Report.    For more information about our Centenary or any of our work, please contact us via  or phone us on 01452 528491.