Village Of The Year 2025 - Big Prizes!

We're delighted to be running Gloucestershire Village of the Year again after a gap of a few years.  Prizes totalling £15,000 are available for your village!  There are four categories each with a £2000 1st prize and £1000 for the runner-up, plus an overall winner prize of £2000 and £1000 for the overall runner-up.   Register your interest now!  

Click here for an entry pack!

Hire a Meeting Room at GRCC

GRCC’s four meeting rooms offer great Central Gloucester spaces for meetings, group discussions, or just a quiet place to work for a while.  Large meeting rooms from just £45 per hour / £70 per half day / £140 per full day.   The Cripps Board Room, pictured, is fully accessible, has an interactive screen, and seats 14 people.   We have two further large meeting rooms, and a smaller room seating 4 people which is only £15 per hour.

View full details of our meeting rooms

Warm Hubs in Gloucestershire

Warm Welcome Spaces are warm, friendly and welcoming spaces in local communities.  Find your local Warm Space today by clicking the button below and searching the map on their website.

Warm Welcome Spaces

New Guide to Employer Supported Volunteering (ESV) Launched

The Gloucestershire Volunteering Collaborative (GVC) has launched a comprehensive new guide, a toolkit and case studies which are now available on the Go Volunteer Glos website.  

Find Out More

Village Of The Year 2025 - Big Prizes!

We're delighted to be running Gloucestershire Village of the Year again after a gap of a few years.  Prizes totalling £15,000 are available for your village!  There are four categories each with a £2000 1st prize and £1000 for the runner-up, plus an overall winner prize of £2000 and £1000 for the overall runner-up.   Register your interest now!  

Click here for an entry pack!

100 Years of Community Action in Gloucestershire

We’re GRCC, a registered charity helping Gloucestershire’s communities since 1923.  The official full name of our charity is Gloucestershire Rural Community Council, but we work in both rural and urban areas, and we generally just go by our initials, GRCC.


Supporting and empowering Gloucestershire's communities through change.


To help build strong, healthy, sustainable communities in Gloucestershire using our knowledge, experience and networks.

If you would like to talk to us about how we can help, get in touch by email or by phone 01452 528491. 

GRCC represents Gloucestershire in the ACRE Network, and is a member of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations and the National Association for Voluntary and Community Action.

ACRE Network Logo - Action with Communities in Rural England         NCVO logo - NCVO Member 2024          NAVCA logo with strapline: Local Focus National Voice