How to have a CAN DO attitude

Cotswold Community Wellbeing Service Social Prescriber, Carol Stockman, takes us through how you can have a ‘Can Do’ attitude and how this can help with your wellbeing.

‘CAN’T DO, so how about finding the CAN DO.

In many aspects of our life we can quickly defer to the CAN’T DO, so how about tipping it on its head (obviously not literally) and choosing ‘I CAN DO’. It may take a little longer however, you will benefit from it by feeling as if you have achieved something and taken back some control in your life.

We have just experienced almost 12 months in our lives like no other. Much of what we have control of has been taken away from us. Popping to the shop for a mooch, meeting a friend for lunch, wandering around the shops during your lunch break from work, visiting family, celebrating a birthday with a meal and lots of fizz surrounded by family and friends who you love and who love you (the act of blowing out the candles has been a no no, let alone the gathering)!

So…….what CAN YOU DO when you CAN’T DO all of the above.

So I CAN’T mooch around the shops but I CAN pop into my wardrobe to discover all of the clothes that I don’t wear, that I can give to charity or sell. I have certainly found some great bargains by ‘shopping my wardrobe’.

I CAN’T meet a friend for lunch but I CAN meet her for a walk with a takeaway coffee. We can still laugh, smile, share our news and have a little moan (it’s allowed).

I CAN’T wander around the shops during my lunch break. Working from home still allows a lunch break which CAN be used to have something to eat and then a brisk 10 minute walk around the block or across the fields wherever you may be. Great for our general health and wellbeing and better for our bank account!

I CAN’T visit family but I CAN remain connected by phone, social media or video calls and look forward to the biggest hug of all (sometime soon).

I CAN’T celebrate my birthday. Indeed many of us are clocking up two lockdown birthdays. But you CAN buy yourself some nice treats, put up the balloons and bunting, pour yourself a glass of your favourite tipple, bake a cake. If you are able to afford it, have a meal delivered. If you are living alone, plan and prepare a special meal for YOU and arrange a couple of calls with friends or family. Plan for the belated celebrations – there are going to be so many. What about Christmas celebrations in the summer – I know someone who bought lots of Christmas crackers in the sale ready for her Christmas Summer Party (it may have to wait until next year, who knows, but the planning can be exciting).

Stay positive! Be grateful! Be You!’

Wise words from Carol and if you need any extra support with your wellbeing then make sure you get in touch. You can find out more about the service by heading to our dedicated page.