Welcome to the online database of Village Halls and Community Buildings in Gloucestershire. All information is updated by the Halls and Community Buildings themselves, including information about number of rooms for hire and other facilities available. For more information, please contact the Hall or Community Building directly using the email address or contact number provided.
If you would like to have your listing updated, please fill in the relevant sections of this form. If you are not on GRCC's named contacts list, we will get in touch with you to verify the details on your form.
GRCC will only use the information you provide on this form for the purposes of updating the information on the Village Hall Finder. The contact information that you provide will be processed in line with GRCC's privacy notice.
We can give you professional advice on the day to day running of your building, responsibilities of committee members, business planning, funding sources, as well as technical and legal advice. Please contact the Community Development Team on cdt@grcc.org.uk