A community wellbeing agent chats to a client in a cafe in Stroud

Community Wellbeing Service Stroud and Berkeley Vale

Many things affect our health and wellbeing, such as where we live, how we spend our time, our financial situation, and our relationships with friends and family.

Sometimes, we need a bit of help, for example, when coping with a short or long term health situation, or when life throws other challenges our way. There are people in the community who may be able to offer support and guidance during these times. These people are called Community Wellbeing Agents and are part of a county wide service which tailors their advice to your needs.

GRCC-Independence Trust is one of a number of Community Wellbeing providers in Gloucestershire who have been commissioned to offer the service. We offer the service in Stroud and Berkeley Vale, and our Community Agents are experts in the locality.

Who can access the service and what can the service offer?

The Community Wellbeing Service is a free and confidential service for anyone over the age of 16. The aim of the service is to connect you to local services, organisations and groups that can help you to improve your general wellbeing and meet your wider social needs.

Community Wellbeing Agents can help you with:

  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Long term health conditions
  • General health and fitness
  • Social isolation, housing, and environment
  • Debt and finance

How do I refer?

Referrals can be made directly using the phone number below, or by using the web form. Referrals can be made by GPs, health care professionals, voluntary and community groups as well as self referral.

Want to know more? 
Call us Monday to Friday, 09.00-16.30 on 01452 317460 or email communitywellbeing.stroud@nhs.net

Meet Suzie - one of our Community Wellbeing Agents for Stroud and Berkeley Vale


Community Wellbeing Services across Gloucestershire