Six tips on returning to work after Christmas

Although the official return to work date was January 2nd, a lot of people will be returning to work today. We thought we’d collate six quick tips for returning to work after the holidays.

Most of us wish the holidays could go on forever. No matter your field of work, there’s nothing like a lie-in on these cold, dark mornings. But it is time to return to work and setting the tone for 2020 is important for a successful year. Here’s six tips for returning to work after Christmas.

1.        Eat Well – eating well and having a balanced diet is always important but it’s a point worth making with stacks of tempting Christmas chocolates lying around the house. Your brain needs the right fuel to work, especially after some time off.

2.       Tackle your Inbox – Set aside time to tackle your inbox, it’s obvious but it’s a job that needs doing and deserves time and attention so that you don’t miss anything important.

3.       Set short term goals – The yearly goals can wait for later in the week, set some daily objectives so that your next couple of days are structured and then you can feel in a better place to set those longer term goals.

4.      Catch up with colleagues – This should be both socially and work related with work place relationships one of the most important things to being happy in your job. Find out about their Christmas and holiday and then deal with work objectives.

5.       Have a delicious lunch – Don’t make going back to work harder than it needs to be – have a lunch that you really enjoy in mind that you can look forward to throughout the morning.

6.      Take a break – Don’t burn out on the first day back!

Some of you will have already returned to work last week but GRCC hope that this can be a useful article for anyone who needs it. Keeping a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body and something that GRCC supports.