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Posted by Peter R on March 14th 2023
Posted by Peter R on March 7th 2023
Gloucestershire Rural Community Council
Community House
15 College Green
Gloucester GL1 2LZ
T: 01452 528491
GRCC is a registered charity (number 1054282) and a Limited Company (number 3181755).
"You have provided me with much encouragement, guidance and invaluable advice in the past 18 months; your input and support has been invaluable, something I very much appreciate, thank you."
"Thank you so much for all the support and advice that GRCC has provided."
"Your resource was highlighted to us by the Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations, as an excellent example of sharing expertise/resources. My huge thanks for this work, which has made it far easier for us to address policy needs here!"
"With my other Parish Councillor hat on - can I just say how incredible GRCC have been in supporting the parish in the last few months - we couldn't have got half as far as we have without you."
"GRCC has made learning iPad skills fun and easy. Just by sitting at my side and showing me the basics, Matthew has encouraged me and this in turn has made me want to learn more and more. Thank you GRCC, you got me started."
"Thank you so much for your time yesterday, I found it really helpful and supportive. You have a fantastic depth of knowledge and experience, and it was great to have an ‘external view’ and insight. I will put all the ideas into practice and will let you know how I get on." (Glos Charity CEO)
"Thank you so much for your email yesterday...it really cheered me up. My Mum always said kindness costs nothing, and you and your colleagues have been so generous, and it was not expected... I understand you will be closing the case, but I would like to say, you have been a marvellous help to me." (Part of a thank you message from a Social Prescribing client).
"Could I please thank you both for making me so welcome at the Cheltenham and Cotswolds Know Your Patch meetings. They are really well set up and organised, such a great forum to connect with people and services across the county to link in and work together. "
"My social prescriber has been truly warm, understanding, helpful, non-judgemental and has even made me laugh despite my current situation. I have very much enjoyed our conversations. I'd strongly encourage anyone to try the service.”
I would like to thank Laura at GRCC for the provision of a number of Job Clubs in and around our communities. I have witnessed first-hand the positive impact that Laura has had on our customers and the communities that we serve. It has been great to work in partnership with GRCC, and I look forward to working closely over the coming months and years. (Feedback from Bromford Housing for our ESHO job clubs.)
I was looking for a job after taking a long career break. Laura played a crucial role in helping me navigate my return to work.... Laura's unwavering support during our weekly meetings kept me motivated to keep applying. Finally, I landed a job as a Business Administrator for a reputable organization. I am immensely grateful to Laura and the Job Club. (Feedback for our ESHO job clubs from a client).
"Quite some years ago now ... I undertook skilled (Surface Water Catchment) Flood Warden training. That training was one of the most valuable educational experiences of my life. ... This email is intended to express my appreciation, for the unique skills that GRCC Officers gave me."
Dear Cara (GRCC's Affordable Housing Manager) - I just wanted to drop you a line to thank you very much for attending last night's meeting at our Parish Council. The Councillors and some audience members who stayed to the end of the meeting expressed how good it was – appreciating how thorough and clear the talk was and in particular how well you answered the many varied questions and knew the subject so well. We hope you achieved what you had hoped for from the meeting too and look forward to working with you.
"Lauren Woods, who was with the The North Cotswolds Community Wellbeing Services, supported me to solve some problems - they boiled down to digital challenges. Recently she has joined Tewkesbury Borough as their Digital & Technology Navigator. I could write a screed on how useful she was... I am glad she hasn't left the organisation... You have an asset there."
"Good afternoon Cara [GRCC's Affordable Housing Manager]Many thanks for giving of your time last night to present the GRCC’s survey on housing need. Your presentation was well received and certainly contributed to a successful meeting on which we hope the PC can build in future."
"Just a short note to thank you for your time and encouragement yesterday, both of which were greatly appreciated..." (Comment from a Community Land Trust)
"The laptop has given me the freedom to expand my channel on YouTube further! And since having the laptop I have gone from 200 subscribers to 1,494 subscribers with some of my videos gaining 138k+ views! ... Because I'm unemployed for mental and physical health reasons, little things and hobbies like my YouTube channel mean a lot to me and helps me fill in the time I have spare which is improving my mental health day by day. The aim is to get back into employment once I have had the treatments I needed done, and the laptop will help me with this also!" (Message from a person who received a laptop through our DAISI Project).
I must say you have been one of the best speakers/external experts I have encountered in my 35 years as a public servant... On behalf of the Parish Council I thank you for your work with us. (Comment to our Affordable Housing / Housing Needs Surveys Team)
"We want to express our gratitude to Lauren at GRCC for her digital support. Thanks to her guidance and patience, our team members have significantly improved their IT skills, enabling us to better serve our community participants. Lauren's expertise has been instrumental in ensuring that we can more effectively run a variety of projects at our community hub, including our pantry membership, community sheds project, Thai cooking classes, room hirers, and creative sessions."
"I am a published author, who, since COVID, has had worsening financial difficulties, a family breakdown resulting in no support, two house moves and a short period of homelessness. During this I have been working, writing, and caring for my child who has additional needs. When my old laptop stopped working, I worked and wrote in libraries, and borrowed multiple laptops from friends... I am so glad I found GRCC. I now have an amazing laptop, and I can continue on with my novel during the hours that work for me (early mornings and late nights). This service has truly lifted an enormous weight from me and I am free to get on with creating work that I hope will pull me out of this black hole, and find financial stability once more. "
"Thank you so much for an excellent, informative and inspiring parish meeting." (Feedback to our Rural Housing Enabler Sarah Walker after a meeting to help a parish understand its affordable housing needs.)
"I have given [sim cards] out to the local food bank in Gloucestershire, the Cavern in Gloucester and the Recovery Team. It has really helped one lady in particular who left a Domestic Abuse relationship [she was then] able to change her number so ex-partner did not have [her] new one." (Gloucester NHS Mental Health Worker)
"[Support worker] and DAISI have been absolutely amazing in the support they give to the Foodbank. The last lot of SIM cards will be well received by our clients who can be given them when they use our Distribution Centres. The last laptop was given to a School Support Worker who was going to give it to a family who needed one to enable the children to do school work. Thank you so much for allowing us to do this and bringing light into people's lives." (Feedback from a Gloucestershire food bank)
"[Support worker] gave us a laptop that he had been given by Daniel at DAISI. I am a single mum with 2 kids in secondary school. We only have one ipad that all three of us have to share. Both the kids need to go online for home work and keeping in touch. I gave the laptop to my boy who is so happy, and now he doesn’t argue with his sister. Thank you it has made a big difference."
"Our client had pawned his phone to travel to a job interview which didn't happen, so he was now without a phone and out of work. The phone and pre-paid SIM card that we were able to give him through DAISI made his life livable again despite having no employment - we hope he finds a job soon." (Drug and Alcohol Clinic worker)
“This has transformed my life, I now get text reminders for my appointments and am now on a housing list as I live in temporary accommodation. Thank you.” (Previously homeless client of Drug and Alcohol Clinic, provided with a smart phone and prepaid SIM card through DAISI)
“This has made a massive difference to my quality of life and really helped reduce my stress and anxiety." (Single parent previously with no internet access, provided with a smart phone and pre-paid SIM card via DAISI)
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you so much for arranging a laptop for me to use. I have felt so isolated and cut off socially due to being retired and having to rely on my pension which wouldn’t allow me to buy a laptop. This has opened up a whole new world for me, and words can’t explain how thankful I am to the DAISI project for giving me this opportunity. Lauren you were so patient and kind explaining how to use the laptop I’m overwhelmed!